Waskita and Tokyu Construction Collaborate on the Yellow Bridge Reconstruction in Palu Worth Rp200 M

Waskita and Tokyu Construction Collaborate on the Yellow Bridge Reconstruction in Palu Worth Rp200 M

Jakarta, July 2022 PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. (Stock Code: WSKT): in collaboration with a construction company from Japan, Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd. To reconstruct the Yellow Bridge or Palu IV Bridge, Palu, Central Sulawesi, previously which was destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu city on September 28, 2018, Ago. The reconstruction work of a 250- meter-long bridge, also known as the Ponulele Bridge, is worth Rp. 200 billion.

The contract Signing was carried out during the SVP Infrastructure II Division, Lasino, with the Chief Representative, Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd, Kodama Keigo, On Wednesday, June 22, 2022.

The Company's SVP Corporate Secretary, Novianto Ari Nugroho, said that the existence of the Palu IV Bridge is expected to restore the socioeconomic pulse of the city of Palu after the disaster. "With the reconstruction of this bridge, it is hoped that it will reconnect the transportation backbone in the city of Palu as the capital of Central Sulawesi province after the earthquake and tsunami disaster," said Novianto.

In the contract, this contruction is carried out for 24 Months and it is targeted, to be completed in june 2024. Waskita's scope of work includes general item, preaparation, work, bridge substructure, bridge superstructure, pavement work and road ancillarry works.

Perlu diketahui, sejak diresmikan tahun 2006 jembatan setinggi 20,2 meter dari badan jembatan dan memiliki lebar 7,5 meter tersebut adalah jembatan yang menghubungkan antara kecamatan
Palu Timur dengan Palu Barat, lebih tepatnya di kelurahan Besusu dan Lere.

“Kini jembatan yang baru yang akan direkonstruksi berada di teluk Palu yang berdekatan dengan muara sungai Palu. Letaknya tidak jauh dari jembatan lama yang sudah runtuh. Jembatan yang
telah menjadi ikon kota Palu ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan konektivitas jalan nasional antar provinsi. Tentunya ini akan mengurangi waktu tempuh yang selama ini menjadi kendala masyarakat jika ingin menyeberang karena jembatan yang lama runtuh,” tutup Novianto.

Waskita Karya

Waskita Karya

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