Infrastructure Financing Structure in Indonesia

Infrastructure Financing Structure in Indonesia

Infrastructure Funding Needs Government Support

Wednesday (16/06) Director of Human Capital Management & System Development Waskita Hadjar Seti Adji was present as a guest speaker at the Manulife Asset Management Indonesia - IDX Channel Investment Forum with the theme "The Structure of Infrastructure Financing in Indonesia". Where Waskita as one of the role holders in infrastructure development in Indonesia.

Hadjar said that Waskita welcomes the establishment of the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) in supporting the Infrastructure Development Acceleration Program because INA can be a trusted partner to attract foreign investors to place funds in Indonesia.

Through synergies with partner investors, INA can be a solution for infrastructure divestment (recycle assets) programs carried out by SOEs, one of which is Waskita. In addition, INA also has the capacity to provide funding to contractors at the construction stage, at a more competitive cost of capital.

Waskita Karya

Waskita Karya

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