Holding an annual general meeting of shareholders, Waskita is optimistic that the Company's business will improve in the future.

Holding an annual general meeting of shareholders, Waskita is optimistic that the Company's business will improve in the future.

PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. Stock Code: WSKT. Organizing the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) with 9 (nine) agenda items. The event was held at the Waskita Heritage Building, Cawang, Jakarta, on Thursday (25/5).

Of the 9 (nine) agenda items, they include discussing and submitting the Company's Annual Report including the Board of Commissioners' Supervisory Duties Report and the 2022 Financial Year Consolidated Financial Report as well as approval of changes to the composition of the Company's management.

“Kami yakin dengan penyesuaian ini, akan membawa Waskita bergerak lebih solid, terutama dalam
mendukung langkah transformasi perusahaan untuk mencipatakan bisnis yang lebih sehat dan prudent. Hal ini sejalan dengan aspirasi Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara sebagai Pemegang Saham Seri A Dwiwarna bahwa upaya penyehatan kinerja Perusahaan harus terus dilanjutkan hingga tercapainya kesinambungan usaha Perusahaan, diantaranya melalui transformasi bisnis yang di dalamnya termasuk melanjutkan program 8 (delapan) stream inisiatif strategis, restrukturisasi usaha dan utang, peningkatan implementasi manajemen risiko dan tata kelola perusahaan” kata Ermy Puspa Yunita SVP Corporate Secretary.

Ermy also said, as a form of implementing Risk Management and Business Transformation and to maintain cash flow continuity, the Company has committed to reducing the type of turnkey projects and will focus on projects with a progress/monthly payment scheme. "The company is committed to continue to improve the implementation of good corporate governance and careful risk management," Ermy said.

In the last agenda item, approval was stipulated regarding changes to the composition of the Company's management.
With the results of this AGMS decision, the Composition of the Company's Management becomes:

President Commissioner/Independent Commissioner : Heru Winarko
Independent Commissioner: Addin Jauharudin
Independent Commissioner : Muradi
Independent Commissioner: Muhamad Salim
Commissioner : I Gde Made Kartikajaya
Commissioner: T. Iskandar
Commissioner: Dedi Syarif Usman

Board of Directors
President Director : Mursyid
Director of Finance and Risk Management : Wiwi Suprihatno
Director of HCM, Systems Development and Legal : Ratna Ningrum
Business Development Director: Rudi Purnomo
Director of Operations I and Quality, Safety, Health, Environment: I Ketut Pasek Senjaya Putra
Director of Operations II : Dhetik Ariyanto
Director of Operations III : Warjo

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