Waskita Achieves the 2021 Iconomics Award

Waskita Achieves the 2021 Iconomics Award

Adapting to new habits is a challenge. Especially for companies that have to serve the needs of the community on a daily basis, which will then affect the approach taken by Public Relations (PR). So, building a company's image/brand will be a challenge in itself.

In 2021, Waskita received an appreciation from Iconomics regarding how Waskita builds the image of its company/institution in the form of the 2021 Corporate Branding PR Awards.

Iconomics itself provides these awards through research. This research measures the foundations of the organization's reputation, namely Commercial, Organizational, and Social. Each of these foundations is further dissected into nine aspects. In the Commercial pillar, Aspects of product & service quality, size, and presence dance are Assessed. As for the Organizational Pillar, the competency aspects, employee welfare, and cleanliness & honesty are Assessed. Lastly, the Social Pillar consists of Aspects of social-environmental contribution, custom values, and familiarity.

It proves that Waskita has been tested and proven to be able to maintain the organization's good image during this pandemic.

Waskita Karya

Waskita Karya

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