President Director Waskita Meeting With The Chief Editor Of Republika

President Director Waskita Meeting With The Chief Editor Of Republika

The activity was a meeting of President Director Waskita Destiawan Soewardjono with the Chief Editor of the Republika, Irfan Junaidi and his staff. Together they discussed a brief history from the establishment of the company to the projects Waskita was working on. Do not miss, of course, Waskita's expansion plans abroad.

Also attending to accompany were Director of HCM Hadjar Seti Adji, Director of Operation III Gunadi, and SVP Corporate Secretary Ratna Ningrum.

Of course, these face-to-face meetings are conducted according to the applicable covid-19 protocol. So, the activities are comfortable and everything is safe.

Waskita Karya

Waskita Karya

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