Erick Thohir Hands Over Vocational Education Assistance to Islamic Boarding Schools in Gresik

Erick Thohir Hands Over Vocational Education Assistance to Islamic Boarding Schools in Gresik

Located at the Qomaruddin Islamic Boarding School, Bungah District, Gresik Regency, Friday (10/6), Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir handed over SOE Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program assistance in the form of applied business education assistance (vocational) to 26 Islamic boarding schools in Java. East (East Java). Also attending the event, Waskita's Head of Social and Environment Responsibility Unit, Poppy Sukmawati.

The program, Which was initiated by the Ministry of SOEs, began with the Training of Trainer (ToT) Pesantren Preneur 2022 activities and was attended by 78 caregivers. ToT is a training activity for teacher caregivers to improve the quality of hard skills as a provision of knowledge and experience to be taught to students at Islamic Boarding Schools. Materials taught include technology and engineering, technology and information, health, agribusiness, fisheries, agrotechnology, business, management and make-up, and culinary arts.

"Pondok Pesantren is one of the main foundations of the people's economic progress. Therefore, so that the majority of Muslims in the country will not only become foam, SOEs continue to strengthen their commitment to improving the quality of education in Islamic boarding schools, which are important for the progress of civilization and the Indonesian economy". Erick added at the ceremony for the launching of the BUMN Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) collaboration program in East Java.

In addition to training, SOE representatives signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. The memorandum of cooperation includes assistance in implementing applied business education (Vocational) from BUMN and Airlangga University for Islamic Boarding Schools in East Java for one year.


Waskita Karya

Waskita Karya

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