Waskita Karya Arrival of the Indonesian Minister of Manpower at the Becakayu Connection Toll Project

Waskita Karya Arrival of the Indonesian Minister of Manpower at the Becakayu Connection Toll Project

Waskita Karya visited the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia and his staff to carry out the Worker's Healthy Movement at the Becakayu Connection Toll Project. The arrival of the Minister of Manpower was immediately welcomed by Waskita's President Director, Mr. Destiawan Soewardjono.

After the exercise, The Minister of Manpower, Mrs. Ida Fauziyah, once praised Waskita Karya as a BUMN Karya that has been consistent in implementing the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) system in the last 3 years, so Waskita Karya managed to get a Zero Accident award of one million working hours, an award for handling HIV AIDS prevention in projects and awards for handling covid-19 with a total of 83 business unit projects and subsidiaries out of a total of 107 projects.

Then he explained that the Healthy Worker Movement (GPS) aims to improve the health and fitness of workers, reduce the risk of injury and stress in the workplace, and increase workers' immunity.

Waskita Karya

Waskita Karya

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