Menoreh Crisis Center Food Assistance "Jogja Guyub"

Menoreh Crisis Center Food Assistance "Jogja Guyub"

Responding to the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities or abbreviated as emergency PPKM from 3-20 July 2021, it is certain that vulnerable groups will feel the most impact. Through the Menoreh Crisis Center, the initiative is to mobilize solidarity from various parties, including government institutions, the private sector, communities and individuals to jointly help the community, especially vulnerable groups (vurnerable groups) affected by this pandemic.

The assistance provided by Waskita includes 300 food packages consisting of 5 kg of rice, cooking oil and instant noodles for groups or individuals affected by the pandemic in the Menoreh Crisis Centre. The target beneficiaries are the non-PKH poor, people with disabilities, the elderly, workers who have been laid off and informal sector workers who have lost their income due to the impact of the pandemic (ojek drivers, parking attendants, carrying workers, homeworkers, etc.).

With this assistance, it is hoped that it can help the needs of community groups or individuals affected by the pandemic.

Waskita Karya

Waskita Karya

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